Oasis Care Centre


Oasis Care Centre

A day centre that provides specialist catch up education to vulnerable and impoverished Syrian refugee children aged 5-13, specifically focusing on those who have NEVER received any education. Plus food, life skills, trauma informed care, family support, Bible classes, arts and sports. The kids love coming along!

Just about all of the children we serve in Lebanon are years behind with their education, but some of the younger ones have received no education at all. Their scant chances of getting into a school are virtually non-existent without basic reading and writing skills.

Our Oasis project is designed to provide specialist catch up education to about 50 of these kids aged from 5-13. The curriculum includes basic maths, English, Arabic, life skills, art, and sports. The goal is to integrate as many as possible into our Dar El Awlad School when they are prepared and when there is room.

More recently we have added daily meals and professional counselling support for the children, many of whom have suffered trauma.

At Oasis, we are passionate about being a safe place where precious kids feel loved and accepted, no matter what their background or religion.

Six interesting things about our Oasis project

Our Oasis programme in Lebanon provides specialist catch-up education, trauma care and more to about 40 Syrian refugee children who have NEVER been to school before. Most live in cramped containers or single rooms with no stimulation or schooling. 

1. The children in Oasis have a wide age range (5-13). The difference in their sizes is very noticeable!

2. The teachers at Oasis are incredible – imagine taking a class of so many traumatised children across such a wide age range!

3. As the children are so poor, we also provide free food.

4. One of our biggest challenges is getting the kids to and from Oasis - our drivers are kept very busy every day!

5. Despite their difficult backgrounds, the children are full of life and love coming along.

6. We run Oasis from our “Dar el Awlad” Centre in Beirut, where we also run a school, a residential programme and a special project to support the lonely and vulnerable mums. 

Oasis Care Centre: A story of hope

Meet Ali (name changed to protect privacy)

Ali is from Syria and his family recently fled to Lebanon. When they first tried to leave the country, his father was put in prison, but they managed to escape after he was released. A few weeks after they arrived, we met Ali and asked if he would like to join our programme.

He was 10 years old but had never attended school. His clothes were in terrible shape and he was ashamed because of a skin condition that was left untreated. Eventually, he returned with his mother asking if he could come and learn at Oasis.

After he began classes, we had a doctor look at his skin issues and provide needed medicine. We noticed that when the condition began to improve, Ali opened up more and started making friends at the centre. Recently, our staff visited the family and provided them with mattresses, blankets, and other supplies, and we were able to have a time of prayer together.

We are watching Ali become more comfortable in our programme, as he works through the trauma he experienced and sets goals for his academic progress. We are excited to see God work in his life, bringing peace, joy, and restoration.

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