Baby Behind Bars Kit


Baby Behind Bars Kit

In Zambia, mothers who are incarcerated while pregnant or who have toddlers under four are allowed to keep their babies with them, but the prison does not provide any food, clothing, or learning materials. Give a kit with essentials – meals, soap, toothbrushes, clothing, toys, and books to help keep a precious baby nourished, safe, and learning. £55 for essentials for one baby.

What Do I Get?

Not only will you have a fantastic feeling of knowing you've helped some of the worlds most vulnerable children, but you'll also get a card that you can keep for yourself or give to the person you've bought this gift on behalf of. 

Your card will include details of the gift that you've purchased, with the 'To' area blank for you to add the recipient's name yourself. 

We dispatch your card to the address that you provide. Then we send your gift to the kids in need and you will be part of something special - giving a child the opportunity to turn their life around. 

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