Haiti Crisis Appeal

For some of Haiti's most vulnerable children

Amid increasing lawlessness in Haiti, our Christian school provides education, food, trauma care and Christian input for some of Haiti's most impoverished and vulnerable children.

Your donation will make a huge difference, no matter how small.

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Haiti Education Appeal

As Haiti continues to descend into chaos, please can you support our work there, as we try to continue serving some of its most vulnerable children?  We especially need funds to help us stock up on emergency food supplies and fuel.

Your donation will make a huge difference, no matter how small.

Here’s what your donation can do

If you give £30

£30 provides weekend food parcels for a term

The children are so poor they won’t be fed at weekends. Your donation will enable us to do this for one child per term.

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If you give £50

£50 provides a uniform, clothing and shoes

Most of the children come to us in rags and bare feet. Your donation provides a uniform, shoes and other clothes for a child

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If you give £1000

£1000 funds a teacher for a term

Help us fund one of our dedicated and loving teachers, perhaps by holding a fundraising initiative such as a cake sale.

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Heart-breaking information from the World Bank

“A child born today in Haiti will grow up to be only 45% percent as productive as they could be if he or she had enjoyed full access to quality education and healthcare.  

Over one-fifth of children (in Haiti) are at risk of cognitive and physical limitations, and only 78% of 15-year-olds will survive to age 60.”

Four reasons why malnourishment is so damaging

The reason we focus so much on food provision at our school is that malnourishment can have dire long-term consequences for children.

  • Malnourishment causes permanent stunted growth.
  • It also causes permanent impeded brain development.
  • It hinders concentration capabilities.
  • It causes behavioural issues such as irritability and anxiety.
  • Thanks to your support, we can keep the children at our school nourished and healthy

Thanks to your support, we can keep the children at our school nourished and healthy. 

Sami* is no longer a child slave thanks to supporters like you

Before coming to Kids Alive’s school in Haiti Sami* was a “restavek,” which is Creole for child slave. Having lost both parents, she moved in with her aunt where she was expected to do all the cooking and cleaning, along with anything else demanded. The family did not provide her with adequate food, leading to her becoming malnourished, and she was often beaten.

What a blessing that we were able to admit her to our school and provide her with an education, while working with her family to ensure she lives in a loving home where she is free to be a child.  

Now in high school, Sami is dreaming of her future and she is currently planning to study to be a seamstress in trade school. Her grades are very good, and we are proud of how far she has come. Most importantly, she has excellent character, displaying kindness and honesty. Our ministry is better because she is part of it, and we cannot wait to see what God does with this young woman who has overcome so much.   

*Name changed to protect privacy 

“You, Lord, hear the desire of the afflicted; you encourage them, and you listen to their cry, defending the fatherless and the oppressed…” 

Psalm 10: 17-18

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