An update on Rania, a Syrian refugee who was forced to flee to Lebanon on foot with her family when she was little.

You may recall us mentioning Rania* in our Lebanon Refugee Education Appeal earlier this year, a Syrian refugee who was forced to flee to Lebanon on foot with her family when she was little.

By the time she was 13 she had NEVER even been in a classroom, having spent most of her childhood cooped in a one room apartment with her sister, two brothers and her parents. Her parents wanted her to be married as soon as possible and were even reluctant for her to go to school. But Rania had other ideas.

So when we offered her a place at our Oasis programme in Lebanon, she pleaded with her parents to let her go, which they eventually did. 

*Name changed to protect privacy

Despite having to make huge adjustments (her brain simply wasn't used to a learning environment) - and being a 13 year old in a class with children as young as 5 - her excellent attitude and determination started to pay off.  Within only a year Rania was able to join the regular school at our Dar el Awlad complex. An incredible achievement!

Rania is now 16 years old and in Grade 3 (the equivalent class in the UK of a 9 year old), but is doing extremely well and is a joy to teach. She particularly likes maths and drawing and wants to become an architect when she grows up.

So thank you for all you do for children like Rania and many others like her in our Oasis programme. Your support is having a real impact on real vulnerable children. 

“Whoever welcomes one of these little children in my name welcomes me; and whoever welcomes me does not welcome me but the one who sent me.” Mark 9:27

Posted on May 13th 2024

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