Joy as Roof Repairs are Completed!

Ten-year-old Michael’s eyes open wide when he recalls the day that the storm hit his home. “It was so big”, he gasps. “We were watching as it rushed towards our house. There was sand and rain everywhere. And suddenly…” – he pauses and spreads his arms wide – “…our roof was gone. It was in pieces, all over the ground”.

The roof was ripped right off!

This was the scene (see picture right) two months ago at the Lilato Children’s Village in Mongu, western Zambia, when a freak storm caused major damage to our boys’ home. Despite being horrified by the sight of the storm ripping into the house, staff and children were quick to praise God for His protection. “Usually at that time of day there would have been children inside and around the house” said Moses, our Residential Manager. “But on this particular day, all of the children had gathered in one of the other homes for a special activity. Because of that, no-one was hurt or killed. That was the hand of God, keeping us safe”.

The boys are so happy to move back into their home

Today, thanks to the generosity of sponsors and partners in the USA, Canada and United Kingdom who have responded to a special appeal for funds, the roof is repaired (see picture below) – and the children have just moved back in to their home! Michael and his friends were beaming as they carried their bags of belongings back into their bedrooms. “I am full of joy to be back” be grins. “The house is like new again. And I’m very happy to sleep in my bed again tonight, instead of on the floor!”
Thank you to everyone who has contributed towards the repairs of our home – and for putting huge smiles back on the faces of these boys!

With generous donations we were able to rebuild the roof

Posted on May 23rd 2013

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