Forced to flee from their hometown in Syria, Sayed (age 9) and five-year old twins, Sonia and Pierre (pictured right) and their parents recently made the perilous journey to Beirut in Lebanon.
Thankfully, having been taken in to the home of local Lebanese Christians, the family is starting to come to terms with their ordeal – and of being refugees in a foreign country. Kids Alive International is playing a part in supporting them: the three children are now enrolled in our school program, where they are loved and cared for by our staff.
The gruesome news stories filtering out of Syria are creating shockwaves throughout the Middle East and across the world. Reports suggest that thousands of people have been killed or injured in the military bombardment. Thousands more people – including many Christians - are fleeing in fear of their lives, many of them to Lebanon. And it is not just Syrians that are impacted. Iraqi refugees that had first fled to Syria now find themselves having to move on again, desperate and afraid.
Kids Alive International International is deeply concerned about the violence in Syria and the situation facing refugees, and we are, working with our partners in Lebanon, poised to respond as needed – just as we have in caring for Sayed, Sonia and Pierre.
We encourage you to keep this situation in your prayers. In particular, please pray:
· For an end to the violence in Syria, and for humanitarian aid to reach those that need it most.
· For the refugees that are pouring from Syria into Lebanon, that they might find a place of safety.
· For Sayed, Sonia and Pierre as we support them and their family.
· For wisdom as we assess how Kids Alive International may be able to help others that are homeless and in need during the coming weeks.
Thank you for your prayers and support as we monitor the situation and do what we can to assist refugees who are fleeing to Beirut.
Posted on April 14th 2012