Kookoo comes from a desperate situation in the Sudanese capital city, Khartoum. Both of his parents are dead, and he and his three siblings lived with their uncle – which was a far from ideal solution. In fact their home was merely a simple shelter with very few facilities or furnishings. Kookoo spent much of his time on the streets - until our staff found him.
When Kookoo first came to the Boys' Hope Center, he found it difficult and took time to settle down. In fact, he sometimes tried to run away, but always returned. Now he is stable, and has a great relationship with the other boys and the staff. He considers the Center as his home. His health is good – he has few sicknesses, and is a strong young man.
Kooko’s dream is to become a professional soccer player – he is an excellent goalkeeper! He also enjoys drama and is fully involved in church and is a leader in the Sunday School and in the meeting for teenagers. He says that he knows the Lord as his friend.
In school he is in Grade Six, and has been top of his class for six years in a row! He is very capable and has great potential academically. We pray that this potential would be fully realised in his life.
Posted on August 9th 2012