Wendina* came to Juniper Tree Children’s Home as a young girl. She loved to learn, excelling through high school. Thanks to Kids Alive Peru’s higher education fund, she fulfilled her college dreams and graduated with honours in interior design. Wendina gave the card (pictured right) to our staff, asking us to convey her heartfelt thanks to everyone who made her education possible – staff and donors. She says she couldn’t have done it without you.
“I was sad, full of doubts, and lacked understanding when I arrived at Juniper Tree Children’s Home. The staff took care of me, helped me, and taught me God’s love. I am now writing this letter to express my gratitude for helping me fulfill one of my dreams: an interior design degree with honours. I still have many dreams and goals I want to achieve, but you helped me so much and I am grateful. Thank you, Dan Anderson and Maricela (Kids Alive Peru staff). God used you to bless me. I wish many blessings upon the whole Kids Alive Family.”
*Name changed to protect privacy